Enroll in Argonaut

Argonaut - Enroll

Diving Boards Curriculum
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Argonaut Once/Weekly
$35.00 every week
Argonaut High School Group
$35.00 every week
SEL Advisory Facilitation Training
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Argonaut Summer Pass 2021
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$70.00 every week

The heart of a good journey through adolescence is a kind, trusted group of peers on a shared adventure.

Argonaut is an advisory program for middle schoolers, offering the foundational experience of a trusted group of peers, with hands-on challenges that develop social-emotional intelligence. Read more here.

The cost is $60 per week. Sliding-scale scholarships are available, ranging down to $5 per week: click here to apply for a scholarship.

To register, please use the links below. Please complete the enrollment form within the checkout process. Thank you!

“My son is really enjoying the camp and wanted to enroll for more weeks. I have to admit I have never seen him so enthusiastic about an online camp before…” - Argonaut Parent, Summer 2020

“The Argonaut program gave our son a sense of purpose. He thoroughly enjoyed being able to choose his areas of focus during the week. Argonaut led our son to learn new skills, which he will use for years to come! “ - Argonaut Parent, Summer 2020