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Create a Character

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By Kenzo

Creating a fictional character can create many new and fun opportunities such as acting as a fictional character or having an imaginary friend. When you make a fictional character, it can be for a project, a game, or even just for fun. Fictional characters have no limits as it's completely fictional! A superhero, or a medieval knight, or maybe just a normal person with a normal life. This character you create would be up to you, but here are some suggestions/ideas to help you get started.

Getting Started:

  1. Focus on your character’s personality first.

    At least to me, this is a very helpful/important step because creating a personality first would judge a lot of things about your character as how they dress up/their appearance, as well as how they would react or think. This can be an extrovert, introvert, activity person or someone who thinks to themselves. You can also make a personality who is alike yourself.

    Example: An outgoing personality, who likes to make many friends and has no fears. He likes to have many people around him and is a strong extrovert.

  2. Creating a setting for your character.

    This is another good step I follow because it could affect their character traits such as personalities, core values and even their accent! I prefer to do this one after making the personality because that way your character is not limited by where they are. A setting can be where they are from, where they grew up, what time period, and other things related to the “world” they live in. Now that being said when making a setting be creative! Nobody said you can't have laser guns with dragons!

    Example: A Pirate captain who sets sail in seas where sea monsters are. “Arrrrrr” he yells as he pilots his big pirate ship. Because of this setting, I am going to give him a name: Smelly Sealegs (Awful name I know)

  3. What are their specialties/values?

    This is always the most fun part for me, as this should be the highlights of your character. Are they funny? What are their hobbies? What is their favorite type of food? These are some helpful questions to think about when making your character.

    Example: Smelly Sealegs likes to drink and get drunk. He is also a notorious daredevil as he enjoys putting his friends live in danger just to get more fame or boost his on ego. Because of repeated stunts and fails, he also is very tough and resilient to wounds. He talks in a heavy pirate accent but always makes people around him happy and determined.

  4. What are some of your character’s least proficient areas/bad character traits?

    This one helps me make a very realistic character, as nobody is perfect. This can be something about your character that is like you or something you can relate to. Maybe this character is not good at athletic activities? Maybe this character is socially awkward?

    Example: He smells awful and is always dirty (Hence his name “Smelly”), as he dislikes taking baths because he is too lazy. Sealegs also gets mad easily and loses composure when things don't go his way, often breaking his surroundings. He also hates doing dishes.

  5. Your character's physical appearance.

    This can take time as making a character’s appearance by drawing or other forms of artwork can be hard. Keep in mind when making your character’s appearance: Does their outfit fit their setting? What about their personality? (this would also be a good time to make a name for your character).

    Example: Sealegs is missing a leg and has a wooden peg instead. He also has an eyepatch but instead of a pirate cap on his head he wears a bandana with his pirate flags logo emblazoned on it. Sealegs also has many stichest/holes in his clothes due to failed stunts. Because he’s in the pirate era, he DOES NOT have laser guns that go “pew pew”.

    And thats pretty much it! This process will hopefully help you create your own fictional character. You can use a character in many situations such as:

    Your personal avatar

    A friend you want to talk to

    Somebody you play as in a role playing game

    Having fun trying pirate accents (Arrrrrrr)